dal 1946


 Jdrex S15

Jdrex S40

Jdrex Series




The electric self-priming diaphragm pump series "Jdrex" are available in two versions that differentiate him among them for capacity and dimensions.
The JDREX S15, able to pump 18 l/min. and to reach a pressure of 2 bar, is operated by an electric motor by 12 or 24 Volts in direct current with a power of 120 Watts that has on purpose been studied for this use.
The particular characteristic of this diaphragm pump is the possibility to work dry without damaging him. Is self-priming without preventive filling of the body, doesn't perfectly need valve leading, of filter and it is exempt from maintenance.  
All the components employees for realize this pump are resistant to the corrosion.
The JDREX S40 E and the JDREX S40  are able of to pump 37 l/min. and to reach a pressure of 2 bar. The operation is realized with an electric motor not ventilated to 12 or 24 Volts for the model Jdrex S40 E, or, for the Jdrex S 40 with electric motor ventilated to 12 or 24 Volts direct current or with motor 220 V 1phase or 220-380
All the other characteristics stay equal to the Jdrex S15.


Principal advantages:


Immediate self priming without pre-filling the body of the pump.


Maximum reliability of operation, even after being inactive for lengthy periods.


No foot valves, no filter.


No maintenance required.


Quick installation.


All components of the pump are resistant to sea water corrosion.

bullet Can run dry without any damage because they have no impeller seals or other delicate or fragile parts.



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Aggiornato il: set-08