dal 1946


compressed air driven engines



The compressed air driven engines MAC are the best choice for following applications:
driving of pumps, stirrers, winches, hoists, conveyor belts, take-ups, coil winders, grinders, tools, soldering machines, turn able platforms, even those which come in contact with water beams, and all those applications where you need changing of speed an reversing of rotation sense, and of course where you need absolute fire security, anti-explosion security etc As well as where dimension and weight problems make the final decision too.


  1. The MAC engines can be supplied with hub (M  form), with foot (P form), with flange (F form), with foot and flange (FP form) and with an adequate lubrication they will work in which ever  position you will like.

  2. In case you need to work with variable speed from 0 to 500 rpm it is recommended to connect to the engine  a speed reducer which can be supplied on request (please indicate the regulation field you need when ordering).

  3. The MAC engines guarantee maximum security in  saturated flammable or explosive vapour rooms.

  4. The MAC engines will also work in high temperature rooms up to 350°C and under water beams.

  5. The MAC engines may be overloaded or even blocked without any harm or damage.

  6. One of the notable characteristics of the MAC engines is that you can change and regulate their speed as you like it, simply fitting on the air conduct a regulation valve on which you turn to rise or diminish the air flow (or acting on the air pressure valve).

  7. Another big advantage of the MAC engines is that you can reverse immediately their rotation direction by a common 4-way valve.

  8. Confronting its weight and dimensions this engines are very convenient: example an electrical  antideflagranted unified engine with 5 HP at 2.800rpm has a weight of 50 Kg; the equivalent MAC 500 engine instead weights only 12 Kg.

  9.  The air conduct, the valves, rubber tubes, flexible tubings and the connectors must however be of bigger dimensions than the air intake fold of the engine itself.

EXAMPLE: The air intake fold of the MAC 75 has a 1/4" gas connector, all tubes, pipes, fittings, curves, valves, flexible tubing and so on must be at least of one upper level dimension. i.e. 3/8" gas or bigger.


"F.R.L." Group (filter -regulation -lubrication)

To guarantee good work and long life the pressured air engines need clean, dry and lubricated air: so we recommend our "F.R.L. GROUP" which shall be installed on the compressed air line the nearest possible to the engine itself.
THE AIR FILTER eliminates finest impurities up to 5 micron and all water
AIR PRESSURE REGULATION VALVE WITH MANOMETER allows to regulate the speed of the engine and with this the engine power output.
LUBRICATOR automatically lubricates constantly the air.


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Ultimo aggiornamento: ott-12